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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 2600-2617

A Trend Analysis on Rice Exports from India



In Aisa India is the main rice exporter.India is popular for its rice cultivation all over the world, rice export by India is in three categories which are Basmati, non-Basmati and other. India is the second large exporter in the world, it has generated the export value of 4905.67 million USD in 2017-18 . Export value of basmati rice is 2,612.09 million USD from basmati rice under 10063020 in 2017-18. While exported value of non-basmati rice is 1,267.44 million USD from non-basmati rice under 10063010 in 2017-18.India's contribution in export of rice has always been significant. in the world . India exports rice to various countries like Saudi Arab, Iran, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, U.K. etc.The study was based on secondary data. The time series data on export of rice from India for the period 2008-09 to 2017-18 was taken for the study.It also focuses on future prospects of rice export and this paper also analyzes Trend, RCA,Direction and growth of rice exports from India.

Key words: Rice, Export, trends, India, RCA

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