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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 2618-2623

An Analytical Study of Complications in Sustaining Quality of Educational Institutions

Dr. Medha Kanetkar, Dr. Vibha Suraj Bhusari.


Quality, as all of us are aware, makes education as much socially relevant as it is personally indispensable to the individual. Gaining of quality and excellence is the great challenge faced by all higher education institutions. This research was carried out for determine the threats, complications and constrains in sustaining the quality of educational institution. The data was collected through structured questionnaire. Data was examining with the statistical tools. Higher education as the production of qualified human resources, Higher education as training for a research career. Higher education as the efficient management of teaching profession, Higher education as a matter of extending life chances. Higher education can no longer be owned by a community of disciplinary connoisseurs who transmit knowledge to students. Both the complexity and uncertainty of society and the economy will require institutions to continuously adapt while upholding quality standards. Effective leadership and willingness for change are big constraints in maintaining the quality of educational institutions.

Key words: human resources, research career, quality of educational institutions.

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