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Hydrostatic Reduction in Pediatric Intussusception: An Experience in a Tertiary Care Centre

Vikas Leelavati Balasaheb Jadhav, Sachin Babasaheb Chitalkar, Rahul Rajendra Arkar, Yashraj Bhagyashree Prasad Patil, Sharad Agarkhedkar.

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Objective: A case series report on a study of the success rate of ultrasound-guided hydrostatic reduction (USGHR) in eligible pediatric patients with intussusception conducted at a tertiary care centre over a period of three years from April 2017 to March 2020. Materials and Methods: Out of 40 patients presenting with acute intussusception, 34 patients were eligible to undergo the USGHR. Results: In all 34 (100%) patients, intussusceptions were successfully reduced. The average amount of normal saline (NS) required was 560 ml. The average time to reduction was 16.8 minutes. Conclusion: USGHR is an easily available, safe and simple, cost-effective anaesthesia free technique in expert hands for the treatment of eligible pediatric intussusception.

Key words: Pediatric Intussusception, Hydrostatic Reduction, Intussusception, USGHR

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