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RMJ. 2021; 46(3): 560-563

Pattern of fodder cutting machine injury in Gambat region, Sindh, Pakistan

Sajjad Hussain Bhatti, Muhammad Kashif Abbasi, Agha Syed Ali Haider Naqvi.


Objective: To find the pattern of injury caused by fodder cutting machine in Gambat region of Sind province.
Methodology: This hospital based descriptive study was carried out in emergency and orthopedic department of Pir Abdul Qadir Jeelani Institute of Medical Sciences, Gambat Khairpur, Sindh from April 2018 to January 2021. All the patients having fodder cutting machine injury were included and pattern of injury was determined. The data were recorded on the basis of age, gender, side of injury and severity of injury.
Results: Out of 193 patients, 133 (68.91%) were male and 60(31.08%) female. Mean age was 18±6.3 years. Digits, palm and wrist, distal forearm, proximal forearm and arm had 66 (34.20%), 54 (27.98%), 39 (20.21%), 27(13.99%), 7 (3.63%) injuries, respectively.
Conclusion: Fodder cutting machine injuries are common in our area. These injuries are responsible for lifelong handicap, especially in children under 15 years of age.

Key words: Hand injuries, fodder cutting machine, handicap.

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