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Knowledge, attitudes, opinions, and practices regarding the disposal of unused drugs: A qualitative study

Dharmender Gupta, Bikash Gairola, Mohd. Shadab Ansari.

Cited by 4 Articles

Background: Many of our houses have unused or expired medicines on the shelves. If these drugs are accidentally thrown away or taken by other family members or children, they may cause problems.

Aims and Objectives: This study was conducted hear the opinion knowledge and practice about the hazardous effects of expired Or unused medicines.

Materials and Methods: The study conducted in a tertiary teaching hospital in eastern Uttar Pradesh was a cross-sectional in-depth interview from January 2021 to March 2021. A total of 112 patients participated.

Results: Respondents mainly used three common disposal methods, most of which threw unused medicines into the trash bin 88 (78.6%) and then sent the unused medicines back to the hospital 18 (16.07%). All 68 (60.7%).

Conclusions: Participants agreed that the public should be regularly informed about the correct disposal methods through advertisements, treatment consultants, patient information, workshops, pharmacies, and community campaigns.

Key words: Opinion; Practices; Disposal; Expired Medicine; Trash

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