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Influence of bulk-fill composite types, shades and light-curing units on microhardness

Serife Ozdemir, Evrim Eliguzeloglu Dalkilic, Fatemeh Hira Mazlouminia, Ahmet Hamdi Selcuker.

Cited by 0 Articles

Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the microhardness of sonic-activated and high-viscosity bulk-fill resin-based composites (RBCs) in different shades polymerized by using two different light emitting diode (LED) light curing units (LCUs).
Material and Methods: Eight groups (n=4) of composite samples with two different shades (A2, A3) of sonic-activated bulk-fill RBCs (SonicFill™) and high-viscosity bulk-fill RBCs (Reveal HD Bulk) were prepared to evaluate the Vickers microhardness (VMH) values. To collect microhardness data for both the upper and the lower sample surfaces, the cylindrical bulk-fill RBC samples with a depth of 4 mm and diameter of 10 mm were cured with two different LED LCUs (Valo Ultradent, Ultradent Products Inc., South Jordan, UT; Demi Ultra, Kerr Dental, USA) with the light-guide tip positioned in contact with a glass slide on the upper surface of the samples. Three-way ANOVA and Student’s t-test analyses were performed with the results obtained. Comparisons were performed using a significance level of p

Key words: Composite resins; curing lights; dental; polymerization

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