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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 2639-2646

Minimizing Students’ Boredom in Learning Islamic Cultural History Using Card Short Method at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) I Karawang

Amirudin, Iqbal Amar Muzaki.


The saturation experienced by students is becoming the attention from teachers. One of the methods which can be a solution was using card short method. The research was conducted at MAN 1 Karawang. The researchers used classroom action research whose stages include planning, implementation, observation, reflection. This research occurred during two cycles, namely the first cycle and the second cycle. This research used quantitative and qualitative data analysis. The results were obtained through observation sheet, the questionnaire sheet was distributed by researchers to students by calculating the percentage results of all indicators to tacle students’ boredom using the card short method. This shows an increase in the results of observations and research, namely in the pre-research stage shows a percentage of 51% then in cycle 1 becomes 78% then continues in second cycle to 88%, it means that according to the category of assessment carried out is in the very good category. Furthermore, the questionnaire results in first cycle showed 65% while in second cycle 80% in the assessment category was included in the good category. The weakness of this method is that it requires a lot of time and creativity for a teacher so that students don't feel bored.

Key words: Card Short Method, Study Saturation, Islamic cultural study, Learning

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