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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 2655-2660

Environmental Damage in the Valuation of Mining C to the Welfare of the People of North Aceh

Rusydi Abubakar.


The aim of research was to know the environmental damage and economic valuation of mining activity of C digging to the welfare of society. The parameters were observed such as; job opening, environmental damage, and community welfare. It also used regression model to see environmental damage and economic valuation of mining C on community welfare, and the value to be paid by the entrepreneurs in local government through the method of calculating production cost and rent unit. The result of the research shows that the impact of mining activity of C digest consist of the variable of job opening have positive effect to the society welfare, while the environmental damage shows negative influence to the society welfare. The regression model shows that the variable of job opening had influenced, while the environmental damage has an effect on the society welfare. Meanwhile, the total influence of both variables is the opening of employment, environmental damage to the welfare of the community.

Key words: environmental damage, economic valuation, mining C, excavation, employment, community welfare

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