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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 2702-2707


Dr. R. Angayarkanni.


A teacher is a maneuverer of an entire nation and they play a pivotal role in constructing a scholarly society. It is very important for the institution to provide them good environment to get satisfaction at work place. Job satisfaction is one of the prime important elements for any employeeworking in any organization irrespective of their designations. Basically satisfaction of the employees is directly proportional to retain them in their work. The two significant factors of job satisfaction are measured by the satisfaction level and motivational level. As per the satisfaction level, the job satisfaction is termed with hygiene factors like working condition, remuneration, job security, company rules and policies, quality and administration, which will reduce the staff turnover accordingly. Likewise the motivational factor is done to motivate the employee work performance by forwarding the achievements, duties and task, recognition, work willfulness and growth etc. So above listed elements may enrich the employee to retain in the workplace in turn will help them to attain job satisfaction. A good operatingexcellence of a teacher can be identified with the quality teaching, skill and ability to tackle students, updating their knowledge, and proper recognition. Therefore it is clearly predicted that the managements need to understand the significance of employee satisfaction by motivating every aspects of the employee wellbeing.This paper aims in systematic analyzing and grading of the factors that inducingjob satisfaction of the teachers employed in private schools.Prioritization of the influencing is necessary for pinpointing the noteworthyglitches, which affects the satisfaction of teachers. Hencethe researcher used Garrett Ranking technique to identify the ordering of the factors which influence most towards job satisfaction among teachers.

Key words: Job satisfaction, teachers, educational institution, garrett ranking, factors etc.

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