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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 2720-2724

Relationship of psycho social adjustment with self- concept and academic achievement amongst adolescents of working and nonworking women

Neeraj, Dr.Dayal Sandhu, Kavita Varma.


This study was studied that the relationship between self-concept and psycho-social adjustment and academic achievement of adolescent Children of working and non-working women. This study helped to fill a gap by constructing an exploration of psychological adjustment and academic achievement. It also examined the gender differences on psycho-social adjustment, self-concept and academic achievement. Random sampling technique was used in this study with sample size of four hundred adolescent children, Boys (N-200) and Girls(N-200) age ranged between 14-19 years. The Adjustment Inventory for school students (AISS-SS) (2013,2019) was used to measure psycho-social adjustment by A.K.P Sinha and Dr. R. P. Singh.Self-concept Questionnaire developed by Dr. R. K Saraswat (2019)was used as tool of research factor analysis was employed to explore the pattern of inter-item correlations of the Questionnaire. Results revealed that there is negative correlation between psycho-social adjustment self-concept and academic achievement of adolescents. The results also showed that there is no significant difference on psychosocial adjustment, self-concept and academic achievement of adolescent children of working and non- working women.

Key words: Self concept, Psycho-social Adjustment, Academic Achievement.

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