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Case Report

Evaluation and Treatment of a Child with Hyperactivity: A Value-Based Care Case Study

Thomas C Varkey, Emily C Courtois, Arjun V Srivastava, Rachel E Daum, Cheney E Huls, Zachary I Merhavy.

Cited by 0 Articles

This paper looks at a classical case study and evaluates the patient based on the current literature and recommended best practices at the time of writing. The main focus is on the different treatment approaches and how these can be leveraged to ensure both patient safety and prevent non-adherence to their medications due to cost. Finally, the authors highlight some key clinical pearls for the betterment of medical student and resident trainees.

Key words: ADHD, Stimulants, Alpha-2 Blockers, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Vanderbilt NICHQ, Value-based Care, Cost

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