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Case Report

EJMCR. 2021; 5(11): 313-318

A case report of pediatric high-flow priapism: the management of a rare condition

Ugur Aferin, Nazli Gulsum Akyel, Hamdi Ozkara.

Cited by 0 Articles

Background: High-flow priapism is extremely rare, especially in childhood and usually occurs after a penile or perineal trauma. It must be differentiated from low-flow priapism, which requires urgent treatment. Treatment options of high-flow priapism include conservative approach, embolization, and surgical ligation.
Case Presentation: A 6-year-old boy presented with a semi-rigid and painless penile erection. With the diagnosis of high-flow priapism, he underwent conservative therapy. After 4 weeks of conservative treatment, priapism was no longer existed, and no recurrence occurred during the 2-year follow-up.
Conclusion: Conservative approach should be applied before the invasive interventions as it is easy to apply and has no side effects.

Key words: Priapism, Child, High-flow, Penile trauma, Case report

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