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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 2736-2743

“Impact of Online Education on the Performance of Management Students during COVID-19 Situation”

Dr. Dipesh Uike, Dr. Vibha Bhusari.


The consequence of the COVID-19 situation was such that the schools and colleges were shut down all over the world. All the students were locked at their home and they did not have any access to their colleges or education. This situation has given rise to the idea of e-learning with the help of online digital platforms. The world has already a setup of internet and that has become one of the best sources for students and teachers to be in contact with each other using any of the available online software. There are number of online softwares available by which colleges have started interacting with their students. It was the safest way of interaction among the students and teachers under pandemic situation. As the pandemic was spreading very speedily and government of all countries have already banned the people gathering. Under this situation online education was the only best option left with colleges and teachers to be in touch with their students and let do not hamper the studies of the students. The main purpose of the study is to find out the impact of online education on the performance of the management students in comparison with the traditional way of classroom teaching. Did it fulfil the expectations of the students in terms of getting knowledge, problem solving or upgrading themselves? Total 200 students comprising males and females are considered for the study. All the students are considered from Nagpur university management colleges where online classes are conducted for the students.

Key words: Impact, Online Education, Performance, Management, Students, COVID-19

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