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Awareness of lymphedema risk management behaviors and associated factors among breast cancer survivors: Results from a cross-sectional survey

Sena Tolu, Pelin Basim.

Cited by 5 Articles

Aim: Breast cancer-related lymphedema (BCRL) is a disabling complication that can develop following breast cancer surgery months or even years after treatment ends. The effective management of BCRL requires adhering to simple risk-reduction strategies. The study aim was to assess the awareness and knowledge of lymphedema risk-management behaviors among breast cancer survivors and identify factors that affect it.
Material and Methods: This study was conducted on 250 survivors of breast cancer. Demographic information, treatment details, time since surgery, duration and stage of lymphedema were recorded. Lymphedema education, knowledge about risk-minimization recommendations, and information sources were questioned using a survey. A multiple linear regression was used to identify predictors of lymphedema awareness.
Results: Just over half (53.6%) of the patients had adequate lymphedema awareness (scoreā‰„8). BCRL was detected in 121 (48.4%) patients. Awareness scores varied by age, education level, body mass index, receiving chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and a previous BCRL treatment (all p

Key words: Awareness; breast cancer; education; lymphedema

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