The inhibition efficiency (IE) of various concentrations of a TIPA(triisopropanolamine)-TSC(trisodium citrate)-Zn2+ system in controlling
corrosion of mild steel immersed in aqueous solution containing 60 ppm Cl- was evaluated by a weight loss study. The formulation
consisting of 100 ppm of TIPA and 50 ppm of Zn2+ showed 62% inhibition efficiency. When TSC (250 ppm) is added the inhibition
efficiency increases to 100%. In the presence of TSC has excellent inhibition efficiency. Polarization studies reveal that TIPA-TSC-Zn2+
function as an anodic inhibitor. AC impedance spectra suggest that a protective film is formed on the metal surface. FTIR spectra reveal
that the protective film consists of Fe2+ - TIPA, Fe2+ - TSC complex and Zn(OH)2.
Key words: Electrochemical study, Corrosion inhibition, Triisopropanolamine, Trisodium citrate, FTIR spectra.