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Pharmacists’ knowledge and perceptions regarding wound management at the community pharmacies in Jordan

Manal Ayyash, Kamel Jaber, Maram Abu Moghli, Tareq L Mukattash, Rana Abu Farha.

Cited by 2 Articles

Community pharmacists play an important role by being a valuable resource in the management of the wound. In this descriptive cross-sectional survey-based study conducted during October 2020, we aimed to assess community pharmacists’ knowledge and perception regarding wound management at the community pharmacies in Jordan. Thus, community pharmacists in Jordan have been invited to fill out an electronic-based survey. During the study period, 152 community pharmacists participated in this study. Regarding participants’ knowledge about wound management, pharmacists showed good knowledge regarding the medications and conditions known to delay wound healing. On the other hand, 82.2% reported a lack of adequate knowledge and adequate skills to deal with wounds. Finally, results showed that male pharmacists showed a higher knowledge score about wound management compared to females (p = 0.001). Those pharmacists who attended a course/workshop about wounds showed a significantly higher knowledge score than those who did not (p < 0.001). In conclusion, our findings revealed that awareness campaigns and educational workshops are needed to enhance pharmacists’ knowledge and skills in this area.

Key words: Wound care; community pharmacy; knowledge; perception; pharmacists; Jordan

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