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RMJ. 2021; 46(2): 481-484

Hepatoprotective effect of propolis extracts against kupffer cells hyperplasia by isoniazid in albino mice

Farhat Humayun, Tabish Humayun, Nida Gulzar Zeb.


Objective: To assess the disruption in the number of kupffer cells induced by isoniazid and role of propolis extract in male albino mice.
Methodology: This randomized Control Trial (RCT) was executed on healthy male albino mice, which were kept in animal house of University of Health Sciences, Lahore in 2012. Group I; received normal diet and fresh water orally. Group II; received normal diet, fresh water and isoniazid 100mg/kg body weight orally for 30 days. Group III, IV and V received 150 mg/kg body weight of propolis extract orally for 10 days, 20 and 30 days, respectively and isoniazid 100mg/kg b.w. orally for next 30 days. Kupffer cells were inclusively enumerated in H & E stained sections after calibrating ocular reticule with the help of light microscope.
Results: Group I showed the normal number of kupffer cells. Group II showed that remarkable kupffer cells hyperplasia which was significantly reduced in Group IV and V with increasing duration of administration of same dose of propolis.
Conclusion: Isoniazid is a hepatotoxic agent which is shown by kupffer cells hyperplasia in liver and Propolis decreased number of kupffer cells which showed its hepatoprotectivity.

Key words: Kupffer cells, hyperplasia, hepatotoxicity.

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