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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 6423-6438

Academic Achievement, Self-Efficacy And Academic Procrastination Among Under Graduate Student In Relation To Mobile Applications

Harpreet Kaur.


Mobile Apps (Education and Non- Educational) are designed for people to have the added benefit of helping them to be more interactive, engaged, and perform better. In the present work usage of mobile applications has been studied in relation to Academic Achievement, Self-Efficacy and Academic Procrastination among under graduate students. (i) A significant relationship is found between academic achievement and usage of educational mobile applications of undergraduate students on one dimension (Engagement) only; but not on three dimensions and total; (ii) A significant relationship is found between academic achievement and usage of non-educational mobile applications of undergraduate students on one dimension (Functionality) only, but not on three dimensions and total; (iii) A significant relationship is found between self-efficacy and usage of educational mobile applications of Undergraduate students on all dimensions as well on total scores of all dimensions; (iv) A positive relationship is found between self- efficacy and usage of non-educational mobile applications of undergraduate students on all dimensions and total of all Dimensions of usage of educational mobile applications; (v) A significant relationship is found between academic procrastination and usage of educational mobile applications of Undergraduate students on three dimensions viz. Functionality, Engagement and Aesthetic dimensions, as well in total of scores of all dimensions, but not on one dimension viz Information and sharing Quality dimensions; (vi) A significant relationship is not found significant between academic procrastination and usage of non- educational mobile applications of under-graduate on two dimensions viz. Functionality and Information and sharing Quality dimensions, but found significant at two dimensions viz Engagement and Aesthetic dimensions as well on total of scores of all dimensions.

Key words: Achievement, Academic ,Student , Relation , Applications

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