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Case Report

Oblique Paraumbilical Perforator (OPUP) Flap: A Reliable Reconstructive Option in Massive Soft Tissue Defect of the Elbow

Alper Ural,Fatma Bilgen,Mehmet Bekerecioğlu.


Objectives: The upper extremity is an important functional unit and is frequently exposed to trauma. Large soft tissue defects in the upper extremities require reconstruction with reliable tissues with maximum functional and aesthetic results.We aimed to present a reconstruction a massive soft tissue defect of elbow with oblique paraumbilical perforator flap in a multitrauma patient.
Methods: A 26 year-old female patient was admitted as a result of an in-vehicle traffic accident. The patient had cerebral contusion, lung contusion, humerus fracture, tibia fracture, large dermal abrasions in the trunk,extensive tissue defect including scalp, wrist, elbow and proximal forearm. After reduction of fractures,ulnar nerve was reconstructed with sural nerve graft. 22 x 17 cm sized massive soft tissue defect of the elbow was.
Results: Based on two deep inferior epigastric artery perforators the OPUP flap was raised in suprafascial fashion. The flap was divided on the 22nd day. No complications observed postoperatively.
Conclusion:The OPUP flap is a versatile and reliable flap; hence it can be used as a salvage option for massive upper extremity defects around the elbow especially when other reconstructive methods are not possible.
Keywords: elbow; perforator flap; upper extremity

Key words: Keywords: elbow; perforator flap; reconstruction; upper extremity

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