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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 2802-2820

The level of awareness of the concept of food among Kuwait University students

Sheikha Altuwaijri, Ghazi Alrasheedi, Bader Alnashi.


The world has witnessed a great revolution in light of globalization to improve the individual’s livelihood and achieve his well-being, so we find that the patterns and volume of consumption have changed, so that commodities have become available in abundance and variety to meet all the needs of consumers who have coped with this change and have come to demand them daily. However, the downside of this diversity is that markets have become. They are subject to unsafe products, which pose real risks to the health of the consumer who owns them while he is ignorant of their production method, hygiene and storage standards.

Key words: globalization, commodities, concept of food

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