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The relation between monocyte/HDL-cholesterol ratio and dipper/non-dipper blood pressure status in patients with newly diagnosed hypertension

Omer Sahin, Eyup Ozkan.

Cited by 0 Articles

Aim: In this study, It was ivestigated to see if there was a correlation between dipper and non-dipper hypertension conditions and the MHR in patients newly diagnosed with hypertension.
Material and Methods: One hundred and thirty-nine newly diagnosed hypertension patients who admitted department of cardiology. Patients were divided into two groups; dipper group and non-dipper group and Monocyte/HDL-cholesterol Ratio, high sensitive-C reactive protein and dipper/non-dipper status were examined.
Results: There were 61 patients (mean age 47±13 and 48% male) in the dipper group and 78 patients (mean age 52±12and 49% male) in the non-dipper group. Mean MHR was 0.01550±0.00447 in dipper group and 0.01810±0.00661 in non-dipper group. Mean MHR was significantly higher in non-dipper group (0.009). There was a significant and positive correlation between MHR and Hs-CRP (r=0.350; p

Key words: Dippers; hypertension; monocyte-to-high-density lipoprotein ratio; non-dippers

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