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Surgi̇cal treatment of li̇fe-threateni̇ng hemoptysi̇s: 15 years of experi̇ence

Oktay Aslaner.


Hemoptysis is the name of the finding that the bleeding originating from any part of the respiratory system passing through the bronchial system and out through the mouth. While it can often disappear with medical treatment or spontaneously, the term “life-threatening hemoptysis” (LTH) has started to be used when it results in a serious event, such as airway obstruction, impaired gas exchange or hemodynamic instability. In this article, we aimed to share our surgical experiences with LTH, that has developed and changed in the literature in the past 15 years. In the same time we aimed to show the efficiency of surgery in LTH. This study includes a retrospective analysis of 129 patients who applied to our clinic with the complaint of hemoptysis, between 2005 and 2020. We included all patients who applied to our outpatient clinic with hemoptysis complaints and for whom we could access retrospective file information. We considered our patients with sudden onset or airway obstruction, deterioration in oxygenation and hemoptysis of 100 cc or more in 24 hours as life-threatening hemoptysis (LTH), and our other patients as minor hemoptysis. 74 (57.36%) of the patients were female and 55 (42.74%) were male. Those with LTH were 39% (30.23), and those without LTH were 9 (69.77%). Bronchiectasis seen in 35 patients (27.1%) was found to be the most common etiological disease. Lung cancer (26 cases, 20.15%) and tuberculosis (16 cases, 12.4%) were other common etiologies. The approach to hemoptysis should be made by considering every patient to return to the LTH form and should be treated by rapid diagnosis and treatment, with correct history and physical examination methods. Correct treatment, surgical timing in particular, can be lifesaving.

Key words: Hemoptysis, lobectomy, lung cancer, tuberculosis, bronchiectasis

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