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A broader aspect of Telehealth and patient’s education amid pandemics: A review and an update

Wamiq Musheer Fareed, Saleh A Alrebish.

Cited by 0 Articles

The combination of telemedicine, telepharmacy, and teledentistry, etc. comes under telehealth. Telehealth has the ability, capacity, and or functions to alter the manner patients or their caretakers and or assistants are educated about their medical or dental conditions. With the help of the latest computer-generated, cybernetic modes to educate and train patients, healthcare providers can enhance and expand the accessibility, effectiveness, and efficiency of patient care. Patient education involves teaching, training, instructing, and following the proper orders of staff’s health/ medical care staff.
Many pandemics such as SARS, MERS, Nipah, Ebola and lately Coronavirus has caused the medical care system to turn all the way around and find a new method to provide healthcare to civilians. Consequently, a few countries battled the COVID-19 by execution of prohibitive measures including health isolate or quarantine, early diagnosis, and infection or disease control measures. Telemedicine has accomplished significantly more consideration during the pandemic since it decreased the danger of pandemics like COVID-19 transmission by limiting face-to-face contact among people.

Key words: Telehealth, Telemedicine, Pandemic, Patient’s education

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