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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 2857-2862

Reconstruction of Identity: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Sea of Poppies, The Heirs of Columbus and Nervous Conditions

Dr. Fahmida Manzoor, Kinza Alizai, Fariha Zakir.


This paper aims to investigate the reconstruction of subaltern identity in the backdrop of colonial era. It draws a cross cultural analysis of fictional work of three different postcolonial texts (Sea of Poppies,The Heirs of Columbus and Nervous Conditions)to examine the identity construction and deconstruction through the power of discourse. The fictional works are also political documents which are used as the tools of resistance and decolonization. This research thus aims to highlight the literary works as a voice of the s

Key words: Re-construction of Identity, Discourse of Power, Marginalized. Post-colonialism

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