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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 2863-2878


Sanjay Sharma, Binaya Bhusan Jena, Dr. Rahul Chandra.


Handloom sector occupies an important position as one of the primary employment provider after agriculture. More than 16 million weavers are making their livelihood from handlooms, while upholding the cultural fabric of different states alive. It is one of the important sectors in the country that provides low cost, sustainable livelihood opportunities to millions of people. But recently it has been losing its importance and more widespread perception is that handloom weaving is in deep crisis and is caught in a endless circle of low productivity and wages and is thus unable to retain a competitive edge against power loom. Yet, at a macro level, the handloom sector has maintained a steady share of 11% of total textile production with a growth rate of 4%. Incidentally handloom sector is increasingly getting attention at national and international market due to increasing environmental concerns and an increase in hand-made eco-friendly products. Himachal Pradesh, a state which is well-known for its hilly terrain and traditional handicrafts and handloom weaving are the main occupation after agriculture and horticulture. In view of the field work, the present study examines the problems and prospects of handloom sector of Himachal Pradesh which contributes significantly to the state economy and provides sustainable livelihood opportunities to natives of the state This study is concentrated in KULLU district of Himachal Pradesh, because in spite of decrease in handloom weaver population in the state of Himachal Pradesh, Kullu has been able to retain and prosper its reputation as the handloom capital of Himachal Pradesh. This is an exploratory study, based on both primary and secondary sources of data. One of the major outcomes of the present study is that professionally well managed cooperative are the best safeguard for handloom sector. Competition from power loom is an obvious threat, but this can be countered if the sector produces unique and high value niche products, targeting different market segments, including the tourists.

Key words: Handloom, Himachal Pradesh, socio economic condition of handloom weavers, tourism, cooperatives

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