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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 5762-5770

Development Of Speaking System For Mute People Using Hand Gesture

R. P. Borase.


It is very difficult for voice impaired people to communicate their messages to regular people because regular people are not educated. Hand sign language, contact is becoming very difficult. Therefore, I suggest a speech device that will make it possible for stupid and mute people to convey their messages to normal people through hand gestures.
The proposed method, the use of hand gesture reading system fitted with gestures and flex sensors linked to each finger and Linked as input to the RF Transmitter along with the speaker unit. This machine is operated by a battery-powered circuitry. Just run it. Also, this device will include various terms and phrases that will help mute people send simple messages. This is the Device reads the hand gesture of a stupid person for various differences in the movement of the hand. The processor is continuously receiving input Sensor values and then process them, then look for a corresponding message for a set of sensor values. Once it has been found in memory, an interfaced speaker retrieves the message and speaks it using text for speech processing This study's data was given. The data was gathered using structured open and closed questionnaires that were only provided to the participants in my study. Data: Data The study was conducted using MP Lab software. Finally, the results have been positive for my research goals and have been Planned to be Support the target group in the business.

Key words: Flex Sensor, IC Microcontroller, LCD Display 16*2, Resistor, Bluetooth module, IC7805

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