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Operative and conservative treatment of right colon diverticulitis

Ufuk Uylas, Ramazan Gundogdu, Durmus Ali Cetin, Mehmet Burak Oztop, Semra Demirli Atici, Bulent Calik.

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Aim: This study assessed the results of conservative and surgical treatment of right colon diverticulitis. Right colon diverticula contain all layers of the colon and are called true diverticula. Perforation of these diverticula is observed less frequently due to their full thickness.
Materials and Methods: 150 patients treated for colonic diverticulitis between 2015-2020 were retrospectively screened. Following exclusions, a total of 26 patients data were assessed. The patients were divided into two groups as conservative or surgical treatment. The outcomes for these two groups were compared and analyzed.
Results: Most patients in the sample were female (n=18, 69%). The average age was 47 (22-83). Data from the conservative treatment group (n=17, 65%) and the surgical treatment group (n=9, 35%) were examined. Comorbidity, recurrence, and white blood cell count were all greater following conservative treatment (p> 0.05). In the surgical group, two (22% of the group) patients developed wound infections. Patients with fever at admission were in the surgical group (p

Key words: Diverticulum; diverticula; surgery; appendicitis sigmoid volvulus; caecum

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