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RMJ. 2021; 46(1): 114-117

Frequency of temporomandibular dysfunction, pain intensity and joint’s level of disability among patients with cervical pain under physical therapy treatment in Lahore, Pakistan

Maria Sohail, Hafiza Sana Ashraf, Zaitoon Shahzad, Aqsa Anjum.


Objective: To determine the frequency of temporomandibular dysfunction, pain intensity and temporomandibular joint’s (TMJ) level of disability among patients with cervical pain under physical therapy treatment at our institution.
Methodology: This cross sectional study was conducted on 42 patients presenting with cervical pain at University Institute of Physical Therapy and rehabilitation Clinic, University of Lahore Teaching Hospital and Punjab Social Security Hospital. Non probability convenient sampling technique was used. Data were collected by Modified Fonseca’s Anamnestic Index (IAF) Questionnaire.
Results: Mean age of patients participated was 25.5 years. Frequency of TMJ dysfunction in was 92.86%. Pain intensity, on VAS, showed that 16.7% had mild, 73.8% moderate and only 9.5% severe pain. Level of disability showed that 38.1% had mild, 40.5% moderate, 14.3% severe TMJ dysfunction and 7.1% had no TMD dysfunction.
Conclusion: Majority of patients coming with cervical pain had mild to moderate TMJ dysfunction and had moderate temporomandibular joint pain. Very small amount of participants had severe temporomandibular dysfunction.

Key words: Temporomandibular, cervical pain, physical therapy.

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