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Review Article

J. res. tradit. med. 2021; 7(1, Jan- June 2021): 27-35

Understanding Smartphone addiction and the role of Meditation in its management - A review

R K Roshni Raj Lakshmi.

Cited by 2 Articles

With the advancement in science and technology, gadgets have become an essential part of one's life. Smartphones are one such gadget that is indispensable today. Smartphone addiction has become a reality and has several adverse effects on health. There may be detrimental effects in the structure and function of the brain due to smartphone addiction. Meditation and mindfulness techniques also bring about changes in similar areas as those affected by addiction. Databases like PubMed are searched extensively using the keywords "smartphone overuse, smartphone addiction, brain structure, brain function, cognitive function, meditation, mindfulness, effects on brain structure." The result yielded 335 articles. After the screening, thirty-two papers were included in the review. It is observed that smartphone addiction has adverse structural and functional effects on the brain. Meditation and mindfulness enhance the structure and function of the same areas of the brain. Hence, meditation can be an effective tool to reverse smartphone addiction.

Key words: Brain, Smartphone addiction, Yoga

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