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Comparison of young and elderly patients with rectal cancer in terms of prognostic factors and clinical features: A retrospective analysis

Serhat Tokgoz, Mehmet Saydam, Engin Olcucuoglu, Oskay Kaya.

Cited by 0 Articles

Aim: Rectal Carsinoma (RC) has considerable morbidity, mortality, and highly operational costs. RC is generally known as a disease of the elderly especially beyond the age of 50 years. Nevertheless, the incidence of RC in younger adults (aged ≤50 years) has been increasing widely. Our aim is to evaluate the clinical and histopathological features of the patients under and over 50 years with RC and their contribution to prognosis.
Material and Methods: Patients with RC who were treated in our clinic included in the current retrospective designed study, and their data collected including demographics, clinical presentations, histopathological features, disease characteristics, treatment received or not, survival and outcomes. Their variables were compared statistically.
Results: This study included 187 RC patients from our General Surgery Clinic. Median age at diagnosis was 62 years (min:26-max:88). Lack of perineural invasion significantly affected disease-free survival and overall survival in general (p

Key words: Prognosis; rectal cancer; young-onset colorectal cancer

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