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Comparison of first and fourth-year nursing students in terms of their knowledge on methods for preventing infectious diseases

Muge Ozguler, Aliye Bulut, Gulay Celik.

Cited by 3 Articles

Aim: The purpose of this study is to compare the first- and fourth-year nursing students in terms of their knowledge on methods for preventing infectious diseases.
Material and Methods: While the population of the study was composed of 143 students studying in the first and fourth years of the Nursing Department in Bingol University Faculty of Health Sciences, the sample of the study consisted of 117 students who supported the implementation of the study and were voluntary to participate in the study (Response rate: 81.8%).
Results: When the responses of the first and fourth-year students were compared in 3 of the items given about the definition and characteristics of infectious diseases, the difference between them was found to be significant (p

Key words: Infectious diseases; knowledge level; nursing students; sexually transmitted infections

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