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O-Mac®: The New Standard For Performing Laryngoscopy/Intubation In Limited Resources - Pilot Project

Jorza Sepmiko, Tjok Gde Agung Senopathi.

Cited by 0 Articles

Management of the airway in patients undergoing surgery is increasingly difficult. The airway management in the operating room in terms of the initial action of anaesthesia is very important. Video-laryngoscopy has been shown to provide a better view of the larynx’s structure compared to direct visualization. We describe our experience using a custom made and inexpensive tool for a video-laryngoscopy.
This is a prospective study with a double randomized clinical trial conducted at the Anesthesiology Department of Sanglah General Hospital Denpasar. There were 25 patients aged 18 – 65 years old, with Mallampati grades 1-4, randomly selected, and signed informed consent. An assembled complete laryngoscope set with 3 different sized Macintosh blades, a video-laryngoscopy were recorded and reviewed.
The mean duration of laryngoscopy time was 16.76 ± 15.49 (2-55) seconds. The time taken for intubation averaged 24.48 ± 16.53 (5-65) seconds. Visualized Cormack-Lehane grade was 1 in 7/25, 2 in 16/25 patients and 3 in 2/25 patients. The overall POGO score averaged 75.60 ± 14.16 (50-100)%. And in CL grade 1 analysis, the mean was 81.42 ± 14.63 (50–100)%; CL grade 2, mean 76.25 ± 13.16 (50–90)%; and CL grade 3, mean 55 ± 28.28 (50–60)%.
We succeeded to get a real-time visualization, and endotracheal intubation in all patients, including-Mac® is a cheap, safe and reliable tool for clinical use.

Key words: laryngoscope video, airway management, laryngoscopy, intubation

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