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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 4212-4222

Elizabethan And Early Stuart Drama

Asghar Ali Ansari, Prakash Chandra Panda.


Drama is a performing art which is performed on the stage with the help of actors. Unlike a novel, drama has action that is shown on the stage before the audience. So, drama is very close to our life as it reflects our life on the stage and depicts the reality of our life. This is the reason why the drama has always been a popular form of art. During the Elizabethan and early Stuart period, drama was the most important form of art. The drama of those period described the life style and the way of the living of the people. So, in fact, drama was a mirror of the Elizabethan society. Moreover, the drama was very popular during the Elizabethan period. But the theatre going was very expensive so the common people could not afford to go to the theatre. But, realizing this issue, later on a lot of theatre was established for the common people and gradually the Elizabethan drama developed and became accessible to the common people of the society. In this paper, we will trace the development as well as the characteristics of the Elizabethan and early Stuart drama.

Key words: Actors, Drama, Elizabethan, Stage, Stuart.

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