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Case Report

NMJ. 2020; 9(1): 49-51

Metastatic Malignant Melanoma - Cytolomorphology with histopathological co-relation:A case report

Bhavana Grandhi,Mohan Rao Nandam,Shanthi Vissa,Syam Sundara Rao Byna.


Melanoma is common tumor of skin arising from the melanocytes.Its aggressive nature and the increasing incidence are a requisite for an early diagnosis and proper management.Metastasis is very common and lymph nods are a most common site of secondary deposits. Fine needle aspiration cytology helps in an early diagnosis. We present a case of 70years male patient with non healing ulcer and bilateral inguinal lymphadenopathy.FNAC was done with histopathological co-relation in this case.

Key words: Cytology,Histopathology,Melanoma,Metastatic.

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