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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 4227-4234

Information Literacy: An Overview

Sweta Sharma, Deepmala, Ashok Kumar Upadhyay.


Literacy competence, different subskill inclusive of the ideas, opinions, making of decision, solving problems. Ability to seek, evaluate, recognize, know, and use information in a legal and ethical manner is information literacy (IL) what information you would like to have and how you can verify it and use it ethically is information literacy. Literacy is ability to read and write, even as competence is skill. Information technology (IT) such as e-mail, the Internet, software and various electronic resources can be used to obtain information about something anywhere and at any time and to use it to create new knowledge complete offers for disseminating information.

Key words: Information literacy, Information Literacy in India, Types of information literacy

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