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RMJ. 2021; 46(3): 695-697

Knowledge and Awareness of students towards Large and small group teaching in students of Rawal Institute of Health Sciences, Islamabad, Pakistan

Nasim Ilyas, Muhammad Farooq, Zafar Latif Awan, Kashif Rahim, Afshan Zareen Bilal, Zareena Akram.


Objective: To assess knowledge and awareness of students towards large and small group teaching in students of Rawal Institute of health sciences, Islamabad.
Methodology: This cross sectional study was conducted from June to August 2017 using the non-probability convenience method of sampling at Rawal Institute of Health Sciences, Islamabad. A close ended questionnaire was used by interview method and response was noted. Total 130 students from 3rd and 4th year MBBS classes were included by randomly selecting 65 students of each class, considering 10% refusal rate and 10% leaving study incomplete. Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel were used for of the data analysis.
Results: Out of 100 students, 36 were male 64 female. Most of the students found this module system favorable and showed preference for; SDL 65%, SGD 85%, PBL 63%, end of module exam 65% and integration of subjects 79%, respectively. On the other hand, 76% were of the opinion that it’s difficult to maintain concentration in 1-hour lecture and 50% didn’t agree that everyone gets a fair chance to participate in lectures.
Conclusion: The integrated system of teaching was preferred by most of students as compared to traditional system of teaching and class room lecture was least preferred.

Key words: Modular system, Problem based learning, small group discussion, curriculum and Pakistan.

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