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Stress and recurrent aphthous stomatitis

Isil Cakmak Karaer, Ayca Urhan, Ismail Reyhani.


Recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS) is a commonly-encountered oral lesion. The aim of this study was to identify the levels of stress, anxiety and depression in patients with RAS .Fourty (40) patients with RAS and 40 age-matched controls were enrolled in this study. Blood and salivary levels were analyzed electrochemiluminescence technique. The Beck Depression Rating Scale (BDRS) and Beck Anxiety Scale (BAS), Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), and State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-S and STAI-T) were applied to all participants. There was no statistically significant differences levels between two groups regarding to BDRS, BAS, PSS, STAI-S and STAI-T level. Blood cortisol levels were statistically significantly higher in patients with RAS than controls (12.45 ± 0.74 µg/dL vs. 9.8± 0.68,respectively,p=0.01), wheras there was no statistically significant difference between women with RAS than controls regarding to salivary cortisol levels (0.33± 0.03 µg/dL vs. 0.34± 0.03, respectively. Patients with RAS have not higher depression and anxiety levels compared to the control.

Key words: Aphthous stomatitis; Anxiety ; Stress; Depression, Free cortisol, Salivary cortisol

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