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Research Article

The Effect of Dry Cupping on Patients with Functional Bloating: A Randomized Controlled Trial Study



Background and Aim: Flatulence is a frequent problem with high prevalence in human populations. Complementary medicine can help improve and speed up the flatulence treatment. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of dry cupping in patients
with flatulence. Material and Methods: In this randomized clinical trial study, 70 patients were randomly divided into two groups: intervention (received dry cupping and 40 mg orally Dimethicone) and control (only received 40 mg oral Dimethicone) for 2 weeks. Before intervention, 2 weeks after starting treatment, and 2 weeks after stopping treatment, gastrointestinal symptoms were evaluated. Results: Results showed that frequency of borborygmus, severity of bloating, and frequency of bloating had a significant decrease in 2 weeks after the intervention and 2 weeks after stopping treatment in the intervention group compared with that of the control group. All variables in both groups were statistically significant before and after the intervention, but the observed changes in the intervention group were greater than the control group. Conclusion: Based on this study, dry cupping along with Dimethicone can improve flatulence symptoms.

Key words: complementary medicine; dry cupping; flatulence; gastrointestinal symptoms; Persian medicine

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