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Review Article

IJMDC. 2021; 5(1): 336-340

Overview of the updated management of inguinal hernia

Abrar Asaad M. Alanazi, Suliman Ali Elsheekh, Noor Ghazy J. Alenezy, Afnan Hamdan Alshammari, Shahad Mohammed S. Alanazi, Zuhur Naif Alazmi, Mubarak Saleh M. lmarjan, Khaled Thiab Alshbiny.


Inguinal hernias are the most common type of hernias with a worldwide prevalence of 5%, yet limited data on the updated management is available. In this study, an overview of the different classic and updated management ways of the case of inguinal hernia around the world was carried out. This systematic review study was based on PubMed database searches for published articles about the management of inguinal hernias. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, the 32 identified articles were further reduced to 22 articles for full-text assessment, and only 11 articles were included. Many researches on inguinal hernia were of poor quality. However, it was concluded that it is important for general practitioners to diagnose correctly and distinguish between inguinal and femoral hernias to best avoid complications. Eligibility for surgery is not procedure- specific and patientÂ’s quality of life must be considered. The data supported the surgical mesh repair as the best technique in surgical repair of inguinal hernia.

Key words: Inguinal hernia, management, classic, updated, databases, overview

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