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Original Article

IJMDC. 2021; 5(6): 1312-1316

Cross-sectional study establishing the most common causative agents for meningitis in neonates in King Abdulaziz Medical City

Mohammed Marzoog Almutairi, Abdulrahman Mohammed Altaher Aljifri, Hassan Ali Barakat, Abdulrahman Wail Linjawi, Alaa Mohammed Aljuaid.


Background: Bacterial neonatal meningitis is inflammation of the meninges in newborns. It causes lifelong severe complications in the affected neonates. Neonatal meningitis remains the biggest cause of mortality and morbidity in newborns despite advancements in screening methods and antibiotics. Thus, this study aimed to find out the most common organisms that cause neonatal meningitis (meningitis in newborns less than 3 months of age).
Methodology: This cross-sectional study was conducted from 2013 to 2017. The study was conducted in the pediatric intensive care unit of King Khalid Hospital, King Abdulaziz Medical City, Jeddah. Patients diagnosed with meningitis (excluding viral) with positive cerebrospinal fluid, blood, or urine culture within the first 3 months of their lives were included.
Results: The study showed that the most common organisms present in meningitis patients in neonates (

Key words: Meningitis, neonates, cultures, resistance, organisms

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