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Case Report

Primary omental gangrene presenting as acute abdomen

Rohit Bansal, Gurdip Singh Sidhu.


Primary omental gangrene is a very rare but important cause of an acute abdomen. We came across a case of an acute abdomen which was taken up for emergency laparoscopic appendicectomy. On laparoscopy, torsion of the free part of the omentum, leading to distal gangrene, was found. Intraoperative diagnosis of primary omental gangrene was made. Preoperative diagnosis of this condition is difficult. Through our case report, we want to highlight about this rare cause of pain abdomen as knowledge of this pathology is important to the surgeon because it mimics the other common causes of the acute surgical abdomen.

Key words: Primary Omental Gangrene; Rare Cause; Acute Abdomen; Intraoperative Diagnosis

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