Old and young municipal landfill leachates samples were radiation processed with γ rays at a dose rate of 1 kGy h-1
. The fate
of the soluble organic matter (humic substance) present in the leachates was followed by the chemical oxygen demand (COD)
measurements. The radiolysis of old landfill leachate is a not an effective process in comparison to ozonolysis but can be
enhanced significantly by the addition of H2O2 to the old leachate prior to radiolysis and by bringing the pH of the leachate to
zero. Some radiolyzed sample were further ozonized to reduce to the minimum possible the COD level. Young landfill
leachate results instead more prone to radiolysis and less sensitive to ozonolysis than the old landfill leachate.
Key words: landfill leachate, pollution, COD, radiolysis; ozonolysis