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Original Article

IJMDC. 2021; 5(6): 1324-1331

Factors that impact favoring cesarean section among women in Saudi Arabia

Wajd Ayman Aljabri, Hatim Mohammed Al-Jifree, Ohoud Saleh Abudoraehem.


Background: Cesarean section rates have been increasing in Saudi Arabia. Thus, this research aimed to identify the factors contributing toward these rates and to raise awareness about cesarean section and its complications.
Methodology: This was a cross-sectional study in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. It was preformed through a non-probability sampling technique. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed online.
Results: A total of 418 women were included in this study. Younger females showed increased propensity toward the surgical method of delivery. Women with higher educational status, high monthly income, lack of knowledge, and the tendency to avoid pain were of greater majority. Marital status, having children, and number of children had significantly influenced the preferred choice of delivery. Yet, variables such as grand-multiparity, age, education, and income had no significant impact. A multivariate regression showed the odds for choosing caesarean for those who had previous history of vaginal delivery had decreased as compared to those who did not have previous history.
Conclusion: This paper showed increased incidence of surgical deliveries. Many variables that were affecting the preference of cesarean deliveries could be altered to help control the rates of C-section. Women should also be educated about cesarean delivery complications to reduce cesarean rates.

Key words: Cesarean, C-section, delivery, awareness, factors, complications

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