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SJEMed. 2021; 2(2): 193-196

Diagnostic impact of emergency ultrasound of RUQ pain

Abdulaziz AlRabiah, Afnan Almass, Noura Ahmed, Torki AlNasser, Abdulaziz Islam, Mohammed BinAskar, Falwah Alharthi.


Background: Even though ultrasound is an excellent tool in medical diagnostics and evaluation, its lack of full automation can be a substantial downside. In this study, we evaluated the result of bedside ultrasound right upper quadrant (RUQ) pain by physicians in the emergency ward of King Saud University Medical City when compared to the review of the diagnosis by hospital radiologists.
Methods: By means of a questionnaire, data were collected from King Saud hospital patients who presented with RUQ pain suggesting biliary disease in the emergency department. The questionnaire was made available on-site and a notification was passed to all on-duty physicians per shift to fill it out after the initial investigation of RUQ pain and to place the printout in a collection box.
Results: Half of the initial diagnoses were cholelithiasis (53.6%), followed by cholecystitis (30.4%), and lastly cholangitis (3.4%), making the majority of suggested diagnoses related to the gall bladder. A review by the on-duty radiologist confirmed 55.2% of initial diagnoses and refuted 22.4%.
Conclusion: More RUQ ultrasound training is required among emergency physicians.

Key words: RUQ, pain, ultrasound, sonogram, imaging.

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