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Can neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio be a predictor of late-onset sepsis in preterm infants?

Ipek Guney Varal, Pelin Dogan.

Cited by 2 Articles

Aim: Late-onset sepsis (LOS) persists to be a crucial reason of morbidity and mortality in preterm infants. Studying the effect of neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) value in predicting the LOS episode and relation with the type of the growing microorganism were the aim of this study.
Material and Methods: Preterm infants were classified as two groups in accordance with having culture proven LOS during the stay in neonatal intensive care unit. Premature infants with culture proven LOS was defined as study group and infants with no-LOS as control group. Study group is consisting of two subgroups in terms of the growing microorganism type. NLR values were compared within and between the groups.
Results: Overall, final analysis were applied to 116 infants. NLR values were raised in the study group during LOS episode (p

Key words: Late-onset sepsis; neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio; preterm

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