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RMJ. 2021; 46(4): 765-769

Morphologic abnormalities of diffuse liver diseases at triphasic CT exam

Amjad Sattar, Binish Rasheed, Naureen Farhan, Mahnoor Hafeez, Saba Mughal.


Objective: To analyze the morphological abnormalities on Triphasic CT scan in patients with diffuse liver disease (DLD).
Methodology: All patients who underwent the Triphasic CT study comprised the study population. Demographics, size and density of the liver, caudate-right lobe ratio (CRL) was noted. Biliary-hepatic vascular patency, hepatic venous outflow tract obstruction (HVOT), parenchymal abnormality, liver contour abnormalities, Right Posterior Hepatic Notch (PHNS) Sign, Peri-Portal Space (PPS) widening and liver segmental/lobar atrophy, if present was recorded.
Results: The study had 270 participants. Chronic liver disease (CLD) was seen in 52.6%, Budd-Chiari syndrome (BCS) in 3.3% and hepatic steatosis (HS) in 4.8%. Patients who had heterogeneous or nodular liver texture, irregular or nodular margins and segmental/labor atrophy were more likely to have CLD. A statistically significant association of PPS widening and PHNS) with the CLD group of DLD compared to other groups (p=

Key words: Liver Diseases, hepatic steatosis, liver cirrhosis, biliary tract diseases.

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