Interactions of cationic tetrakis (N, N´, N´´, N´´´- tetramethyltetra-3, 4-pyridinoporphyrazinatozinc (II) [Zn (tmtppa)] with various anionic
micelles of surfactants n- alkyl sulfonate and sulfate (n=11, 12, 14) have been investigated spectrophotometrically at 25 ◦C in premicellar
and postmicellar region. The results have shown that with increasing the alkyl chain length of surfactants, the maximum absorbance of Zn
(tmtppa) shifted to a higher wavelength and binding affinity of Zn (tmtppa) to anionic micelles increases. This confirms that the surfactant
micelle, which has a longer alkyl hydrocarbon chain, enables greater solubilization of porphyrazine. Thus, the hydrophobic interaction of
the porphyrazine with micelles increases in the order: C11H23SO3Na < C12H25SO4Na < C14H29SO3Na..
Key words: Water-soluble porphyrazine; Surfactant; Premicellar aggregate; Micellized monomer, Anionic surfactant; hydrophobic