Advanced wastewater treatment techniques such as adsorption are economiycally and environmentally essential in the removal of non
biodegradable heavy metals from wastewater. Adsorption by activated carbon is being widely used but activated carbon remain an
expensive material. In recent years, the need for safe and economical methods for the elimination of heavy metals from contaminated
waters has necessitated research interest towards the production of low cost alternatives to commercially available activated carbon.
Therefore there is an urgent need that all possible sources of agro-based inexpensive adsorbents should be explored and their feasibility for
the removal of heavy metals should be studied in detail. This review focuses on the use of low cost adsorbent prepared from rice husk,
cajanus cajan, maize cob, sago waste, mosambi fruit peel, watermelon shells, almond shells, apricot shells etc.
Key words: wastewater treatment, low cost adsorbent, non biodegradable heavy metals