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Evaluatıon of macular thıckness and retınal nerve fıber layer thıckness ın pedıatrıc patıents wıth malnutrıtıon

Sukru Gungor, Elif Damar Gungor, Nisa Kahraman, Mete Guler.

Cited by 0 Articles

Aim: To evaluate macular thickness and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in pediatric patients with primary malnutrition.
Material and Methods: Macular and peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thicknesses of 90 pediatric patients with primary malnutrition were measured by spectral field optical coherence tomography. These findings were compared with the data of 50 age-matched healthy children.
Results: There were no statistically significant differences in terms of age, gender and refractive status between the groups. In the primary malnutrition group, 17 of 90 patients had decreased retinal nerve fiber layer values. There were no patients with decreased retinal nerve fiber layer values in the control group and this difference was statistically significant (p

Key words: Child; malnutrition; optic nerve; retina

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