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Research Article

EEO. 2021; 20(1): 3160-3164

Entrepreneurship Education: A Motivational Approach for starting the Career as an Entrepreneur among Youth in North East India

Dr. Ram Naresh Das.


Entrepreneurship development is the key driver of equitable economic growth, and has immense potentialities for generation of employment opportunities and transformation of social values. In a region like north east where unemployment is a burning problem and also the catalyst of other social tensions and insurgency, cultivating entrepreneurship culture can solve such socio-economic problems to a great extent. However, traditionally people of north east region have less entrepreneurial attitude and looks for white colour job, though the region has lots of resources. Therefore, it is felt that there is an urgent need for introduction of entrepreneurship education in formal education. Such education can cultivate the values, attitude and motivation and also raise several entrepreneurship competencies. It can help in changing the mindset of our young generation and create conducive environment for opting entrepreneurship as a career option. The present paper is an attempt to discus the important role that can be played by the introduction such education in our formal education system.

Key words: Entrepreneurship Education, Conditions of north eastern region, Present status of Entrepreneurial Education in N.E region

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